The Gentle Way Townsville
Lower Costs than your average Cremation or Burial Service In Townsville.
The Gentle Way Townsville
The Gentle Way is here for you during a delicate time. Planning a funeral is never easy. On top of the pain of losing a loved one, you now have to worry about making extensive funeral plans and a string of tough decisions.
The Gentle Way offers families a lower cost option that provides a very nice casket (rental casket) for a very small charge, compared to purchasing a coffin or casket. This way every person choosing The Gentle Way, has a nice casket and is well presented for the Funeral Service.
One of the biggest things to consider after saying goodbye is whether the person will be buried or cremated. Even if we make this choice for ourselves, it’s rarely an enjoyable decision. With over 20 years of experience organising and overseeing all aspects of farewelling a loved one, we all want to make sure our loved one gets the perfect send-off, in accordance with their wishes, and we all want our own funerals to go the way we want, leaving a perfect legacy.
For many of us, this involves environmental concerns. In one study in 2018, 54% of people said they were considering a green burial. More and more of us are concerned with our impact on the planet and want to make our final act an eco-friendly one. The Gentle Way was developed to give people this option.
Do I Still Get Ashes?
Yes most certainly you do receive “ashes” back after the gentle way process has been completed. However because ashes represents fire and we use water instead of fire. Your “ashes” are called remains. They still have the same ash like consistency, however with a brighter colour of white instead of charcoal a colour.
The Gentle Way in Townsville is located on premises and has been running for over a year now. We have been servicing the Townsville community with this great option that has been well received and used by many concious of the eco footprint we leave or just because it’s a lower cost option than burial or cremation funeral services.
In the end, the choice is yours to make.
You’re Saying I Don’t Need To Buy A Coffin?
Yes. That’s exactly what we are saying.